Watford Sunday Football League
Established 1955
(Incorporating Olympian Sunday Football League from 2016)
Affiliated to The Hertfordshire Football Association
Become a Referee...
The Watford Sunday Football League has a good record when it comes to referee coverage of League and Cup games and is proud of the standard and quality to which its referees officiate.
We are constantly striving to improve the numbers of games appointed and our aim is provide 100% coverage.
In order to achieve this, the League is active in the recruitment of officials and is also supportive of the Herts FA run courses, for more information on becoming a referee and courses please go to ...
If you are already qualified to referee and would be interested in joining the Watford Sunday Football League or are interested in becoming a referee with the aim of officiating in this League please get in touch with are Referees Secretary, Brian Stansell at bstansell@btinternet.com or 07889 513530 .